
Posts Tagged ‘Target wedding registry’

I know everybody has been eagerly awaiting this post (lol) following it’s original. After the successful test run, I was excited to have Angel — one of my wedding day coordinators — come over to help. She was home on an extremely long winter break & was bored so I didn’t mind putting her to work. She came over Tuesday, January 10th & we spent a good many hours around the dining room table talking & etching. I sat on my side, drawing & cutting out the shapes — mainly hearts — while Angel sat on her side laying on the cream & washing it off.

Just like I mentioned the other day, you can use either stencils, painter’s tape, contact paper, or freehand your desired designs. There are probably other things you can use as well, but I don’t know of them. Anyways, this time we used two different size painter’s tape to create our designs — HEARTS. What better to describe the most wonderful day of a person’s life but with lots & lots of hearts?

It’s a cohesive theme & something that everyone loves (or at least likes). Before Tuesday, I went out to buy a larger bottle of Armour etch cream.

& by “big” I mean “BIG”!! Look at the difference!

Once I taped on the design I wanted, I handed the bottle over to Angel to paint.

Each bottle had a different design…all depending on whatever I decided to put on it.

I wasted no part of the tape. I used the outside cut-out square. Then I also used the cut-out heart.

& here is what Ben — my wonderful fiance — did while Angel & I were hard at work…..

He was actually supposed to be at work all day, but the truck he borrowed had broken down & we (Angel & I) had to go pick him up. He took the morning off to try & fix the car. Then he came back to the house & lounged around. What a helper! Not really. Here is my real helper:

We got quite a lot of bottles etched & cleaned. This is way less than half of them.

Can’t show ya’ll a picture of the finished project (well, not a good picture anyways), because a few things should be left as a surprise…until after the wedding at least.

Shout out to Angel for all of her help that day!!!! We made so much progress & I couldn’t have done it without her, because let’s face it, Ben isn’t the artsy type.

And I should also mention that Angel was my registering buddy at the Super Target near where Ben & I work. We went in later that day, got all of my registering done & then I treated her to some sushi. It was an extremely productive Tuesday! Now I’m registered at Target & Macy’s for all of you people buying us a wedding present! ^_^

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